Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Learning Goals

Today we looked through our reports from last year. We identified a next step (goal) for reading, writing and maths. Here are my goals:

Maths: my next step is to learn all my times tables
To achieve this goal I will: keep on practicing. Skoolbo will help me to practise.

My next step is to improve my vocabulary and understand of different words.
To achieve this goal I will: Use the clues in the text to figure out what the word could mean. I will also use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words.

Writing: is next step is to read his work back and edit his writing.
To achieve this goal I will:I need to do this with all my writing - book work, google docs & blogging.

We also looked at our STAR results.
  • Word recognition I got 9 out of 10.
  • Sentence comprehension I got 7 out of 10.
  • Paragraph comprehension I got 4 out of 15.
  • Vocabulary I got 7 out of 10.

I am going to focus on: Paragraph Comprehension

To improve in this area I will: Use the links on our class blog.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Active Listening

We are learning about different types of listening. There are 3 main types of listening that we learnt about. Busy Listening - When the person listening is busy doing something. They are too busy to concentrate on what is being said. Me Too Listening - When the person listening has a story that they feel is more important than the person talking so they interrupt and share their story instead of listening. Active Listening - When the person listening looks at the person talking, concentrates, gives non-verbal feedback (e.g. nodding) and asks questions about the story. To learn about the different types of listening, we watched this video:


 As a class we created our own video to help us understand the different types.
After practising each type of listening, we realised…

  • Busy listening makes us feel like you’re not listening to us. We found it really hard to keep talking. 
  • Me too listening makes us feel frustrated and sad that you think your story is more important. 
  • Active listening makes us feel valued. We know you are listening because you are looking, nodding, asking questions. 

 As a class we are all trying to get better at being active listeners.

My Maths Learning

this is our maths we use animal strips

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Family Tree

this is my family tree all the people  in my family me and my brother are at the bottom gof the tree my parents are at the middle of the tree grandma and grandad are at the top of the tree and this is in te reo I hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


In music with Jenny we are learning to play in a band. We are all learning different instruments and we are working on our rhythm. Check out our videos:

My Reflection:

At music we listen to a poem that Jenny told as then we did it our self it cool it called hail stone
This is what we did I hope you like it.

Swimming goal

On swimming my goal is to have straight legs for freestyle so I need to practice to get better
I have a video of my goal I hope you like it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Swimming sports

Today was swimming sports I was very nervous I was in  tui house I was excited I did the width race that was the short swimming  rase I though I was in the finals but then they did leanth but then Gg did    
The freestyle leanths but I think he was in the finals but we came 3 places then we got change but then we went to the esplanade then we finally arrived then we had lunch then it was play time I we down the slide then it went to the round about nick spin as fast then got off it I was so dizzy then we went to the bus ride back to school then it was the end of the day.